Wednesday, October 1, 2014


honestly, i never thought that values were that important. i just thought that they were something we all had, only brought out when we had to do one of those stupid activities in health when you talk about what you look for in a significant other.

um, no. try again emily.

values are important. they impact our every day lives, even if we don't always realize it. do i think that having to enumerate them and doing those activities are. i'm always going to think that. but i also think that deep in our hearts, we know what values we hold. we know what values we value in other people. and we don't need some overly excited health teacher making us share them with the class.

people will get to know you and your values as they better their acquaintance with you. you don't need to tell them 'yo these are my values' because, frankly, that's a little silly. if there comes a point when you need to because something is making you uncomfortable, then by all means, go ahead. goodness knows i've learned that this past year.

basically, what i'm trying to say is stick to your values. you know what they are, and if someone judges you for them? you need to get rid of them. ain't nobody got time for that.

sticking to your values and what you believe in is hard. i know that better than anyone.

i'm not going to lie to you, you're going to be tempted to stray, and you're going to get made fun of and lose friends, and you're going to have nights when you cry because what you believe in will separate you from everyone else.

but you know what?

it's all worth it.

because if you stick to what you believe, you'll weed out the people who aren't worth your time and that you don't want in your life. you'll find people who share your values, people you want to be with, people you love. and you'll love yourself more for not straying from what you believe in.

i know this for a fact, and it will show and people will marvel at what an amazing person you are because you had the strength to resist when others didn't.

always stay true to yourself. it's the oldest and corniest advice, but it's the truest.

-em xx

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