Monday, September 29, 2014

101 things in 1001 days

i feel like this is kind of a weird post, but that's what happens when you decide to do things at the last minute i suppose. this list will constantly be updated and beautified or something, i really don't know how else to explain it. 

anyways, you've probably heard of the 101 in 1001 days project, also known as the day zero project. i feel like it's kind of hard not to. basically, the idea is that you create a list of 101 things you want to complete in 1001 days--a bucketlist of sorts, only this one has a time limit, so you're supposed to actually be able to get stuff done. 

is some of the stuff on my list impossible? i hope not. but i think that's okay.

since my start date was june 17th, i've already completed some things.

stuff that is italicized is in progress/has a plan in place for completion, and stuff that is crossed out has been completed, with a date and list if necessary beside it. bolded items will be edited on the 250th, 500th, and 750th days. 

let's find out what i do in the next 2.75 years.
do you have a list of your own? link me to it! and if my list inspired you, tell me!

-em xx

ps i totally wanted to put graduate college on here, but i fall just a month short, ugh!

1. meet maire (10/11/14)
2. meet tristan (10/10/14)
3. meet at least one other internet friend (emily f. 8/22/14)
4. make a new friend (too many to name, 9/14; claire, 9/14)
5. meet grace again

6. regularly skype with someone for at least one school year
7. send 5 birthday cards by snail mail (nat, 9/9/14; carol, 10/21/14)
8. send 30 handwritten cards just because (six sent on 9/9/14; 4 sent on 10/21/14)
9. send someone a care package (andrea, 9/9/14)
10. visit nashville at least once
11. go on a road trip
12. study abroad
13. attend cma fest
14. visit disney again
15. be a tourist in my hometown for a day
16. stay in ann arbor for a summer
17. take the train somewhere
18. go on another spontaneous adventure (nigara falls, kristina, 7/3/14)
19. go to the beach at least once each summer
20. see another broadway show (jersey boys 10/12/14)
21. get better at guitar
22. go see taylor swift in concert
23. see betsy lane perform
24. meet megan and liz again
25. go to five concerts (janelle monae, 6/20/14; party in the park, 7/17/14)
26. declare my major (9/8/14)
27. know what my plans for after graduation are
28. see an osu vs michigan game
29. obtain a leadership position in dmum (dance captain, 9/18/14)
30. wake up by 8 am for an entire week (weekends included) while at school
31. paint the rock
32. become a tour guide or student ambassador for school
33. volunteer with dmum
34. keep up with my planner for an entire school year
35. go to a tailgate--not the parent's weekend one
36. go see a basketball game
37. keep my room clean sophomore year
38. go to an away football game
39. go to at least two theatre shows while at school each year (shrek, 9/13/14, good kids, 10/05/14))
40. eat breakfast at school for a week, weekends included
41. exercise regularly for two months
42. run a 5k
43. get my anxiety under control
44. feel comfortable in my own skin
45. tone my arms
46. wear a bikini and be comfortable in it
47. eat at no thai
48. eat chicken nuggets & curly fries at arby's (8/22/14)
49. make 15 recipes off of pinterest (garlic gnocchi, 8/12/14)
50. eat at zingerman's
51. buy my first legal drink
52. complete a cookbook, cover to cover
53. own a crockpot
54. spend a month each year not eating out
55. try cheese again
56. become vegan for a month
57. pay for someone else's food
58. give blood
59. tip 100% of the bill
60. move into my first apartment
61. invest in one clothing item/accessory (9/20/14)
62. find the right shade of lipstick--and wear it (10/12/14)
63. go to the drive-in
64. see a movie at midnight
65. get a mani/pedi
66. splurge on one item of makeup from a high end brand (ie, can't be bought at cvs)
67. own my own car
68. own a polaroid camera (7/12/14)
69. buy an ipad
70. get a tattoo
71. purchase something from lily
72. get fitted for bras
73. buy a bra from victoria's secret
74. get a makeover at a beauty counter at the mall
75. find a pair of boots (9/18/14)
76. own a pair of hunter boots
77. read 52 books in one year (finished 8/13/14)
78. share my story
79. write at least 50k words of the same story (8/5/14)
80. learn a new language
81. take a photo every day for a year
82. vote
83. identify 101 things that I'm grateful for (10/16/14)
84. make my bed every day for a month (8/16/14--9/16/14)
85. become comfortable driving on the highway (8/22/14)
86. watch and finish 10 TV shows on my list (sex and the city, 6/14; once upon a time 7/14; the office, 8/14)
87. backyard camp once during the summer
88. have a friend take a portrait of me for my blog or just because
89. chalk my hair
90. ombre my hair
91. finish a bottle of perfume
92. sew one more project
93. burn an entire candle
94. crochet an afghan
95. read the old testament
96. read the new testament
97. attend church for at least a month
98. write a letter to be opened after 1001 days are finished (6/26/14)
99. inspire someone to make their own list (emily f.)
100. put $10 away for every goal that is completed ($210)
101. complete the list of 101 things

Thursday, September 25, 2014

a little about me

hello friends!

(well, we're not friends yet, but i'm hoping that we will be.)

welcome to my little corner of the web. i used to have a blog that i ran at the end of my senior year of high school (so about a year ago) and then i decided that i didn't like any of what i had posted and needed to start again. i've had this blog since october 2013 (or rather, the idea for this blog) and i've been sitting on it, waiting for the right moment to start. 

and i've decided that that moment is now.

well, i decided that the moment was now this summer, and ended up hating everything i wrote. so i took it all down, re-edited and deleted stuff, and i'm back again, this time for good.  

so here's the deal:

my name is emily. i'm 18 years old, and i'm a college sophomore. i love country music and i'm obsessed with disney. i hate cheese. i love the color purple, and i pretend like i'm a writer sometimes. 

(i'm a white girl i know, that bag in the photo on the left is from chipotle JUDGE ME)

i'm going to try blogging on a regular schedule, two to three posts a week, but school and other comittments come first, so no promises. i'll try to post on mondays and thursdays, and then alternate between wednesdays and fridays, depending on my mood. but that's all liable to change.

my blog is going to be a pile of a bunch of different things--music, my ramblings, beauty stuff, college stuff, life stuff--in short, what you'd call a lifestyle blog. 

i intern for a great organization called dream on youth and that means that every other week, i usually have a blog post that goes up. usually on tuesdays. so those days, i won't be posting here, but i will post a link to my post over on the doy site. 

one day, i'll make posts about what i did this summer and doy. 

this is a beginning. this is me trying to figure out who i want to be.

and i hope you'll join me.

-em xx