Monday, October 6, 2014

one hundred happy days

one hundred and some odd days ago, back in the cold michigan winter, one of my favorite country singers, betsy lane, posted that she was starting something called the 100 happy days challenge

i've linked the website there for you to read about, but the basic idea is to post one thing in your day that made you happy for the next 100 days in your life. most of the people i did the challenge with post it on instagram. if you successfully complete the challenge, you get a book with all of your posts, not to mention that most people who complete it say that they're happier--and that people have noticed. pretty cool, right? 

anyways, it's really hard to believe that i completed it, but i think doing it with a bunch of my friends definitely helped. 

do i think that i'm happier now? well, i'm not entirely sure. there was definitely a period of time where happy was my default emotion. and it served as a really good reminder that even the little things can make you happy. 
all 100 of my instagram posts

a lot of the time i think we get really caught up in all of the bad things that happen to us on a day to day basis, and forget all of the good things. it's kind of like how you always leave a test feeling bad, because you do all the easy problems first and then focus on the hard ones, forgetting about all the easy ones that we did earlier. 

what this challenge made me do was to realize that even on really bad days, there was at least a little something that made my day a little brighter. i'm not sure if i'm going to keep posting on instagram every single day now that i've completed it, but it's definitely taught me to keep looking for the small happy things in life. 

if you want to try it, signing up is simple and free, and takes about two seconds. i'd definitely recommend trying it. if you do, let me know with a comment below and if you've already completed it--what did you think?

-em xx

p.s. my friend maire also just wrote a review on her blog as well, check it out!

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